It's a Stressful Time, Isn't it?


It's been a while, I know. And if you're scrolling through my posts, I know I said my New Year's resolution was to post on this blog at least three times a month... It's the end of April now. (#Fail). Anyways, not to make excuses, but I have been super busy lately! Between school, dance, homework, friends, and spending time on Tumblr, I don't have much time to write blog posts. (I've also been lacking ideas, but shh, don't tell anyone.) 

But this leads me into what I've been feeling lately: Stress. The cursed, six letter word that makes lots of people sigh out loud. A little bit of stress every now and then is good- it keeps you motivated and working hard. But too much is unhealthy, mentally and physically. If you're anything like me, high quality work is the ultimate goal in anything you do, but when the laundry list of things to do gets so long you can't see the end of the tunnel anymore, working on anything productive feels so labor intensive. (Please tell me I'm not the only person who feels this way.)

So I did a little bit of research to find ways to relieve stress and I'm going to share a few of my own tips that I've gathered over time.

1. Breathe Deeply. "Deep breathing counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure," psychologist Judith Tutin, PhD, says. (She's a certified life coach in Rome, GA.)
Close your eyes, inhale slowly through your nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth. Focus on the feeling of the breath starting in your abdomen and going all the way to the top of your head, like climbing a ladder up slowly up your back. 

2. Be Aware. "Take 5 minutes and focus on only one behavior with awareness," Tutin says. 
Slow things down a bit and think about the feeling of your feet hitting the ground, or how your lungs feel when they take in oxygen. Focusing on your senses helps you feel less tense. 

3. Focus on What You're Physically Feeling. "Simply be aware of places you feel tight or loose without trying to change anything," Tutin says. 
One night, before you go to bed, try this. Lay down on your back and close your eyes. Start at your toes and just think think about what it feels like. Move slowly up to your knees, then up to your hips, then up your torso, then to your fingertips, up to your elbows, up to your shoulders, then up your neck, all the way to the top of your head. Then, go back down in the same order. Once you get back to your toes, take 2 deep breathes, and I guarantee you will feel more relaxed. 

4. The At Home Massage. 
Start by taking a warm heat wrap and wrap it around your neck for about 10-15 minutes. Close your eyes and relax your shoulders, back, neck, upper chest, and face. Make sure to breathe. If you still feel some tension after, use a tennis ball or a foam roller to massage out any tension. 

5. Reach Out. 
It may sound a little bit scary, but talking to someone else about whatever is stressing you out is helpful. Whether it's a school project, a test, a presentation at work, or just all of the daily responsibilities piling up, people are sometimes the best stress relievers. Find someone you trust and just vent to them about the stressful things in your life. That's what friends are for, right?

I hope some of these tips helped! Whether your stress is caused by work, school, family, or friends, these tips can help in one way or another, I promise. If you have any stress relieve tips, leave them in the comments below for myself and other readers! Thank you for you feedback, as always, and remember to breathe! 


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